

SMART WORK conducts a comprehensive recruitment and selection process - starting from searching for candidates, conducting interviews and verifying skills, to contract signing. Thanks to our extensive database of candidates, we search for qualified employees who meet the requirements in terms of skills and predispositions for a given position. SMART WORK is a permanent source of unskilled workers as well as specialists in many fields.

Building in Construction

Smart Work offers full satisfaction of recruitment needs regardless of seasonal fluctuations for many industries and services.

Smart Work has an extensive and very diverse base of candidates. Thanks to that, we are able to quickly provide necessary employees.

Our advantage is the short time of recruitment – in practice, the maximum duration of the order implementation is 14 days, in the case of specialists we set deadlines individually.

Cooperation with Smart Work guarantees a reduction of recruitment costs. We are looking for employees efficiently and effectively, we can accurately asses their skills and abilities.

We provide qualified staff without the need to conduct individual selection and verification of candidates. We search for the best employees.

We guarantee no formalities regarding legal stay and work, the obligation to keep personal files, issuing work certificates and organising accommodation for foreigners.

If your needs change, we are able to quickly send new job candidates. We minimize the risks and costs of missed recruitment.