Temporary Work

Temporary Work

Pursuant to the Act on hiring temporary employees, temporary work means performing tasks for a given employer - for a period no longer than the time specified in the Act, where these tasks are:

  • easonal, periodic, ad-hoc,
  • their timely implementation by the employer’s staff would not be possible,
  • their performance is the responsibility of an absent employee of the employer that is the user.
Building in Construction

This solution is increasingly used upon periodic need to increase the number of employees or longer absences of full-time employees. Temporary work makes it possible to reduce employment costs. Clients who decide on such a form of cooperation have the opportunity to recruit staff adjusted to the current needs of their company, guaranteeing the continuous stability of their business.

What are the benefits of temporary work services?

We ensure a steady supply of staff through our network of recruitment offices. We are present in more than twenty countries in Europe, North America and Asia. Our recruiters find employees among others from Ukraine, Georgia, Moldova, Nepal, India, Bangladesh, the Philippines, Mexico and Colombia.

Employee costs – starting from recruitment processes to payroll – often constitute the largest cost of the employer. If You entrust us with the performance of necessary HR processes, internal HR and payroll service costs can be significantly reduced.

Recruitment processes are often very time-consuming, especially if they are carried out from time to time – cooperation with a partner that regularly recruits employees for particular positions significantly reduces time and recruitment costs. Only a company with an ongoing recruitment process has insight into the HR market and continuous access to staff.

Observation of labour market trends and a constantly updated employee database allow for extremely efficient and flexible operations - both at the time of increasing and reducing the employment, which is especially important for companies characterised by seasonality of orders.

Lack of necessity to recruit and directly employ staff at a time of increased staff demand and entrust these activities to a trusted employment agency allows to maintain continuity of the processes in Your company – we ensure a constant supply of employees in such a way that your business is least affected by staff shortages.

Examples of work positions



Operation of industrial sewing machines, sewing overlays, covers for mattresses and covers for upholstered furniture, cutting and measuring materials, sewing in locks, ornaments, combining clothing items.


Production worker

Operation of machines, packaging of finished products, loading and unloading of goods, performing other works necessary to maintain production continuity in accordance with the instructions, and visual inspection of the quality of details after passing the production process.


Quality controller

checking the quality of raw materials and production machines, control of storage conditions and correctness of the manufacturing process, supervision over the compliance of products with the technical specification.